Grexit - Page 2

Grexit on the Brink as EU, Athens Hold Firm on Proposals

Greece remains defiant in the face of a possible “Grexit” from the European Union (EU), with Athens and its creditors attempting to avoid both defaulting and leaving the currency alliance, which Germany’s EU commissioner has referred to as a scenario that could create a “state of emergency,” Reuters reports.

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‘Grexit’ Brinkmanship is Classic Greek Tragedy

The populists are screening a modern Greek Tragedy wherein the noble Greek people are forced to suffer deprivations in return for the villainous German-controlled creditors pretend to loan Greece money that mostly repay existing EU loans used to buy German imports. But with Greece on the brink of running out of cash, and Greece’s creditors running out of patience, a compromise may be coming together to avoid an overt ‘Grexit’ by allowing for a devalued “Greek euro.”


Study: Many Alternatives to EU Membership for Britain

A leading think tank has released a report on the opportunities Britain will have if it votes to leave the European Union. The Institute of Economic Affairs has published the document detailing four different choices following independence, now that “Brexit”

The Union Flag flies next to the European Flag outside the European Commission building in

Germans Issue Stark Warning To Greeks After Syriza Victory

German Politicians have issued a stark warning to Greece’s new government that the economic reforms imposed by the EU must continue, the International Business Times reports. Alexis Tsipras’s Syriza secured victory in the Greek elections on Sunday and have formed
