Defense Rests in Fort Hood Trial

Defense Rests in Fort Hood Trial

Maj. Nidal Hasan rested his case on Wednesday when he told Judge Col. Tara Osborn he would not call any witnesses for his defense. Hasan, who is representing himself, is on trial for the November, 2009 Fort Hood massacre.

The prosecution rested on Tuesday after they called 90 witnesses against Hasan. They suffered a setback when Osborn threw out critical evidence that illustrated Hasan’s motive. He wanted to tell the jury he killed the 13 soldiers to protect the Taliban from American soldiers. Osborn said that evidence was not allowed.

The trial will resume on Thursday when the prosecution presents their closing arguments.

Hasan has been quiet these last two weeks when the prosecution presented their case. He did challenge the definition of jihad and cross examined witness Staff Sgt. Juan Alvarado.


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