Thomas Rose

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Articles by Thomas Rose

Memo to Krauthammer: When It Comes to Bergdahl, America Is Not Israel

Almost none of President Obama’s usual media enablers have defended, let alone supported, last week’s Taliban-terror-masters for alleged-army-deserter swap. Surprisingly, the one who has done so most openly is conservative columnist and Fox News analyst Charles Krauthammer. While eviscerating the

Memo to Krauthammer: When It Comes to Bergdahl, America Is Not Israel

Obama Did Not Consider Negotiating Release of Other US Hostages

In comments first reported in USA Today, State Department spokeswoman Marie Harf defended President Obama’s decision to release the world’s five most dangerous terrorist detainees for the return of an alleged army deserter. She stated that Obama did not demand

Obama Did Not Consider Negotiating Release of Other US Hostages

MSM Test Runs Narrative Changes to Shield Obama from Bergdahl Criticisms

After several days of heavy criticism directed against President Obama’s decision to trade five of the world’s leading terror masterminds for a suspected Army deserter, America’s mainstream media, lead by its top daily newspapers, the New York Times and Washington

MSM Test Runs Narrative Changes to Shield Obama from Bergdahl Criticisms

India and Narendra Modi: Freedom's New Trumpet?

Monday’s inauguration of Narendara Modi, India’s new prime minister, at Delhi’s iconic red sandstone palace built for the British Viceroy more than a century ago was filled with the pomp and flourishes more reminiscent of the days of the British

India and Narendra Modi: Freedom's New Trumpet?

White House Pressures Hagel to Speed Up Release of Terrorist Detainees

U.S. National Security Adviser Susan Rice is pressuring Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel to “step up his pace” in releasing what the White House calls “low level” detainees at the U.S. Naval facility that houses suspected terrorist detainees at Guantánamo Bay, Cuba.

White House Pressures Hagel to Speed Up Release of Terrorist Detainees

As Obama Admin Tweets, the World Stakes Claims in Post-American World

This week’s historic $400 billion agreement for Russia to provide China with a guaranteed 30-year supply of safe, reliable, affordably priced Russian natural gas comes as the most dramatic illustration yet of just how rapidly the geopolitical landscape of the

As Obama Admin Tweets, the World Stakes Claims in Post-American World

World's Biggest Vote-Getter Snubs Obama

Following the announcement of his election victory in India last Friday, India’s Prime Minister-elect took to his Twitter page to thank the many nations and world leaders who were quick to offer their congratulations on his massive, landslide win. To

World's Biggest Vote-Getter Snubs Obama

VA Fast-Tracks Sex Change for Manning While Vets Die on Waiting Lists

Defense Secretary Chuck Hagel has formally approved the request of Pvt. Bradley Manning, convicted for leaking classified documents to Wikileaks, to be temporarily transferred out of military custody in order to undergo expensive hormone therapy and surgery to become a

VA Fast-Tracks Sex Change for Manning While Vets Die on Waiting Lists

Aussie PM's Budget Cuts Taxes and Spending, Horrifies Liberals

Much to the shock and horror of Australia’s well-heeled left-wing establishment, the Conservative coalition government of Prime Minister Tony Abbott presented its first budget Wednesday that included the very things Abbott promised his successful “no surprises, no excuses” election campaign

Aussie PM's Budget Cuts Taxes and Spending, Horrifies Liberals

Clintons Remain Silent on Financial Ties to Sultan of Brunei

Weeks ago, the Sultan of Brunei, Hassanal Bolkiah, billionaire friend and top donor to the Clinton Global Initiative, announced the adoption of Sharia law to enable his Southeast Asian Sultanate to “legally” stone gays and behead adulterers. However, officials from

Clintons Remain Silent on Financial Ties to Sultan of Brunei

Rich Man Poor Man: The Rise of Narendra Modi's India

While Indians wait for the official results of their just-completed 2014 national election to be announced Friday, all eyes and expectations now fall upon the man everyone is certain will be the next Prime Minister of the world’s largest democracy:

Rich Man Poor Man: The Rise of Narendra Modi's India

Modi's Embraces Congress Party Slur That He is 'Lower Class'

Priyanka Gandhi, daughter of assassinated Indian Prime Minister Sanjay Gandhi, lashed out at prime ministerial candidate Narendra Modi on Tuesday, accusing him of playing “petty politics” over her “martyred” father. Modi, leader of India’s conservative Baharatiya Janata Party (BJP) and

Few Indians Volunteer to Sing Singh's Praises

With just two phases to go in India’s nine-phase, five-week marathon national election, time may well have run out for India’s ruling Congress Party to hold onto power and prevent the expected landslide victory by India’s conservative Bharatiya Janata Party

Few Indians Volunteer to Sing Singh's Praises

Indian Media Goes Wild Hoping Modi's "Selfie" Spells His Doom

The day after Mumbai book-makers stopped taking bets on India’s Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi winning that country’s ongoing national elections because his chances are thought so low, elitist and big media opponents of India’s surging conservative Bharatiya Janata Party leader

Indian Media Goes Wild Hoping Modi's "Selfie" Spells His Doom

Untitled Article

The day after Mumbai book-makers stopped taking bets on India’s Congress party leader Rahul Gandhi winning that country’s ongoing national elections because his chances are thought so low, elitist and big media opponents of India’s surging conservative Bharatiya Janata Party’s

BBC Can Barely Contain Its Glee Over Problems with Oklahoma Execution

Wednesday’s BBC World newscasts were dominated by coverage of Tuesday night’s delayed Oklahoma execution of convicted murderer Clayton Lockett. The execution was the top story for at least four consecutive hours on BBC World, the British broadcasters’ international television service,

BBC Can Barely Contain Its Glee Over Problems with Oklahoma Execution

Russia Increasing Assistance to Burgeoning Iranian Nuclear Program

Despite recent and repeated assurances from Obama Administration officials that Russia remains a productive and essential ally of Western efforts to secure a permanent nuclear deal agreement with Iran that keeps the Islamic Republic from obtaining the means to develop

Russia Increasing Assistance to Burgeoning Iranian Nuclear Program

Springtime for Bashar Assad

Things are looking up for Syrian President Bashar Assad. He claims, with some truth, that the tide of civil war has finally turned in his favour and that his forces will soon “win” Syria’s three-year-old fratricidal slaughter.  Speaking to students

Springtime for Bashar Assad