Lowry: Christie’s Endorsement Huge; Solidifies Image of ‘Bully-boy Toughness’

Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump, accompanied by New Jersey Gov. Chris Chris
AP/LM Otero

In the New York Post, National Review’s Rich Lowry writes about the importance of the Chris Christie endorsement.

Endorsements usually don’t matter much, but Chris Christie giving his nod to Donald Trump shocked the political world and will bolster a Trump campaign that has grown from a madcap insurgency to a serious threat for the Republican nomination.

Most immediately, the New Jersey governor’s endorsement instantly changed the subject from Trump’s debate performance Thursday night, when Marco Rubio got the best of him.

Christie accentuates the Trump brand of bully-boy toughness. He further validates The Donald and paves the way for future endorsements.

Read the whole thing.


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