Pastor Hagee: Trump Administration Has God’s Favor for Supporting Israel

Rabbi Aryeh Scheinburg, left, of Congregation Rodefei Shalom Synagogue in San Antonio, lis
AP Photo /J. Michael Short

Pastor John Hagee addressed hundreds of enthusiastic pro-Israel Christians and Jews on Monday in Washington, DC, telling them that the Trump administration has God’s favor for its support for Israel, including President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S. Embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem.

“Mr. President the 4.3 million members of Christians United for Israel (CUFI) thank you for your bold and courageous decision,” Hagee said at his organization’s 2018 summit.

Hagee said five other presidents had promised to move the embassy, but not until Trump became president did it happen.

Hagee said the Trump administration is helping CUFI achieve its goals to preserve and protect the Jewish people and the state of Israel.

“Never in our history have we had [God’s] favor at the same time with the president of the United States; with the prime minister of Israel; with the secretary of state; with the ambassador to Israel or the ambassador from Israel,” Hagee said. “All of those people are certainly helping us achieve our objectives because the favor of God is with this organization.”

Hagee also praised Trump for ending the nuclear agreement with Iran, a regime that funds terrorism around the world and was bolstered by the millions of dollars given to it as part of the Barack Obama-brokered agreement.

“Make no mistake about it,” Hagee said, noting the threat that Iran and its weapons programs are to Israel.

“Our president’s bold and courageous decision is making the world a safer place,” Hagee said.

Israel Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu spoke via satellite at the summit, thanking CUFI for its support.

“I consider Christians United for Israel to be a vital part of Israel’s national security,” Netanyahu said of the organization.

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