Lucasfilm Runs Defense for Obama's 'Jedi Mind Meld' Flub

Lucasfilm Runs Defense for Obama's 'Jedi Mind Meld' Flub

How deep is Hollywood in the tank for President Barack Obama? Lucasfilm, the company behind the Star Wars saga, is rushing to the president’s defense after he clumsily combined space franchises with his “Jedi Mind Meld” flub last week.

“President Obama might have created a mash-up of Star Wars friends at Lucasfilm and Star Trek but he also might be a lot more savvy with his knowledge of Star Wars than anyone is giving him credit for,” Lynne Hale said. “In some of the Star Wars spin-off books there is a ‘Force Meld’.”

She continued: “All of President Obama’s friends at Lucasfilm would love to believe that his expertise in Star Wars knowledge runs deep…”

This is the same president who suffered a brain freeze when he was asked to name a few of his favorite Chicago White Sox players.


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