Dave Matthews Stumping for Bernie at Free Get Out the Vote Rally in San Francisco

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Singer Dave Matthews is scheduled to perform at a Get Out The Vote (GOTV) rally for Vermont Senator Bernie Sanders ahead of tomorrow’s California primary.

Matthews will be joined by other high profile Bernie supporters including Danny Glover, Cornel West, Fishbone, Fantastic Negrito, according to reports. The free event will be held starting at 3:30pm at Crissy Field in San Francisco.

The Sanders’ campaign has been using a variety of high-profile singers, actors, and actresses to turn hundreds of thousands of people out for events across California, as they look to secure a come from behind victory in the Golden State. The Sanders team is hoping a victory in California will help them make the argument to Democrat Super Delegates that the party should nominate the seventy-four-year-old socialist despite trailing former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in the popular vote, pledged delegates, and overall delegates.

Saturday the Sanders campaign held another star-studded GOTV rally in Los Angeles that featured Ozomatli, Mark Foster from Foster the People, Best Coast, Iration, and Local Natives, as well as high-profile endorsers Josh Fox, Max Carver,  Dick van Dyke, Susan Sarandon, and Shailene Woodley.

Senator Sanders and his supporters are making several credible arguments as to why they have put together a superior campaign. Sanders has consistently polled better than Clinton in a hypothetical general election match-up against Donald Trump. While Clinton has struggled with grassroots fundraising, the Sanders campaign has received more than eight million individual contributions averaging just twenty-seven dollars each. Sanders is drawing massive and energetic crowds while the Clinton campaign is having small and heavily staged events.

Many in the media are claiming that former Secretary Clinton is less than a hundred delegates away from securing the nomination but those projections take into account the hundreds of superdelegates who have said they will support Clinton but are free to change their minds at any time. Sanders supporters like to point out that President Obama was successfully able to convince hundreds of superdelegates to switch their support away from Clinton in 2008.

California holds its primary tomorrow, June 7th, and polls have shown the race tightening between Sanders and Clinton in recent weeks.


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