Dem Rep. Green to Trump Supporters: ‘When You Tolerate Bigotry, You Perpetuate Bigotry’

Sunday on MSNBC, Rep. Al Green (D-TX) accused supporters of President Donald Trump of benefiting from and perpetuating the president’s bigotry.

Green said, “This has been a part of his MO of his campaign to do what we can to weaponize racism demonize victims. This is something he’s done successfully because he was elected doing this. My hope is we’ll understand that the president is a beneficial bigot. This is a term that I’ve coined. A beneficial bigot because he benefits those who will be meeting soon to donate hundreds of thousands of dollars to his campaign.

“He has benefitted the clergy, which is supposed to be the backbone and cornerstone of decency by giving them the judges they want. He has benefitted the rich and the powerful by giving them the tax cut that they want,” he continued. “So he has benefitted them to the extent that they will tolerate his bigotry. When you tolerate bigotry, you perpetuate bigotry. This is a beneficial bigot unlike we have seen before in the highest office to the land since 1868 since Andrew Johnson was the beneficial bigot of his time.”

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