Cotton: Impeachment Has ‘Done a Lot of Damage to This House’ — ‘Important’ Senate Put Down a Historical Marker

During an appearance on Hugh Hewitt’s nationally syndicated radio show on Tuesday, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) predicted the Senate impeachment trial would not drag on for months, as it had in the House.

However, according to Cotton, it was “important” for the Senate to show the impeachment was partisan and a response to the 2016 election, which came to the dismay of House Democrats.

“I think it’s done a lot of damage to this House, and that’s why it’s important the Senate put down a historical marker that this partisan impeachment which was conducted because the Democrats still are raging about Donald Trump winning in 2016 was a failure and ought not to be done in the future,” Cotton said. “Having political differences and policy differences are fine, and we can battle those out on the floors of Congress or at the ballot box. But it ought not to be turned into an impeachment. That’s why it is so important the Senate actually approach this in a sober and serious manner, unlike the House, give both sides their say, and conduct ourselves in the way that James Madison said, which is that we would sometimes have to provide the correction that looked after the long-term interests of our country as against an enraged, partisan House.”

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