GOP Rep. Roy: Democrats ‘Declared War on the Truth,’ ‘from Wuhan to Juarez’

On Wednesday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Faulkner Focus,” Rep. Chip Roy (R-TX) argued that “from Wuhan to Juarez, the Democrats have declared war on the truth,” by not acknowledging the problems on the border, and dismissing questions on the origins of COVID-19.

Roy said, “[L]ook, from Wuhan to Juarez, the Democrats have declared war on the truth, and that’s the reality. They refuse to actually acknowledge what’s going on. We saw Vice President Kamala Harris do a photo op trip en route to Los Angeles for a few hours pit stopping in El Paso, literally missing the mark by 750 miles.”

He also commented on House Democrats proposing cuts to the Border Patrol’s budget by stating, “Now, you’ve got Democrats cutting their budget when, frankly, they are overwhelmed.”

Roy later turned to the origins of COVID-19, saying, “15 months ago, some of us were raising these issues, these questions, and frankly, they were kind of swept aside by our Democrat colleagues. But also, importantly, swept aside by Dr. Fauci, who’s been elevated by some as some sort of — almost like a God-like status on these covers of magazines.”

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