MSNBC’s Nance: Republican Party Becoming an ‘Armed Insurgency’ in the U.S.

MSNBC intelligence analyst Malcolm Nance said Monday on MSNBC’s “The ReidOut” that the Republican Party was becoming an “armed insurgency.”

Nance said, “Madison Cawthorn should be used as a weather vain. You can see how he picks up on the themes that are not just coming from the Steve Bannon level and Donald Trump level but the Republican street and that Republican street is armed, they’re angry with an entire belief that America and that they no longer want the America that the rest of us, the 60% of the country live in and they’re willing to take up arms for it.”

He continued, “When Cawthorn is saying these things, he also sees himself as propaganda in waiting, so he can be brought out and will be lifted up by the Republican street to being a senator in some other state. They don’t care about the effect of those words. If you remove the words from his speech, Washington D.C. and Christian, you would have the exact same terminology that I found analyzing al Qaeda and ISIS communications calling for jihad. It’s almost the same.”

Nance added, “I just finished a 120,000-word book about how the Republican is becoming an armed insurgency in the United States, and it is absolutely terrifying.”

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