Harris: Cost of Living Was ‘Too Expensive for Too Many’ Before COVID, Spending Bill Will Decrease It

During an interview aired on Friday’s edition of Comedy Central’s “Tha God’s Honest Truth,” Vice President Kamala Harris argued that “the cost of living is too expensive for too many people. It has been this way even before the pandemic.” And the Build Back Better reconciliation bill will decrease the cost of living.

Harris said, “Build Back Better is something that the president and I care deeply about. It was our original idea, even when we were campaigning. It’s about saying look, if — first of all, the cost of living is too expensive for too many people. It has been this way even before the pandemic. And we need to bring the cost of living down. So, Build Back Better is saying let’s bring the cost of child care down, that working families — families shouldn’t have to pay more than 7% of their income in child care. We’re saying prescription drugs are too expensive. We know, you and I know, I have family members who have diabetes, it’s too expensive to pay for insulin and insulin is the only thing that can save a diabetic’s life. And so, we’re saying, bring down the cost so that folks wouldn’t have to pay more than $35 a month for their insulin. We’re talking about elder care. So many folks are raising their young children and taking care of their parents and it is impossible to take care of their basic needs without having some assistance and that means bringing the cost down so people can afford to live and satisfy their basic needs and their responsibilities. So, we’re going to keep pushing, and we’re in extensive talks across the aisle with both folks, in terms of Republicans and Democrats, but we’re not going to give up on it at all.”

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