Thursday on FNC’s “Hannity,” host Sean Hannity and ESPN commentator Stephen A. Smith had a long-ranging discussion about the state of play as President-elect Donald Trump is set to take office in the coming days.
Among the topics was the state of the media, including numerous media narratives that have proven to be false or invalid and ineffective in swaying public opinion, as the November 5, 2024 election demonstrated.
Based on that outcome, Smith acknowledged the so-called “legacy media” was in trouble.
Partial transcript as follows:
HANNITY: OK. How come on this show, I was right about the Russia collusion. I was right about FISA abuse. I was right about Hillary Clinton’s bought and paid for dirty Russian dossier. I was right about Hunter Biden’s laptop.
Earlier in my career, I was right about Richard Jewell. We were right about Duke Lacrosse. We were right about UVA. We were right about Ferguson, Missouri.
We were right about Freddy Gray in Baltimore. We don’t rush to judgment on this show. We give people facts and we told the truth about Joe Biden. We told the truth about Kamala Harris. We made nothing up.
And all of the legacy media that for nine years has demonized this man, slandered this man, besmirched this man, allowed — allowed the DOJ to be weaponized in ways that had never been weaponized before, how come they — do you believe their days are now numbered?
Because I think legacy media is now dead and they killed themselves and they killed themselves because of a political agenda, and dishonesty.
Am I right or am I wrong?
SMITH: I think you’re closer to being right than wrong. I think legacy media is in a world of trouble based on your description of it and I’m sit — I’m not about here to dole out sympathy cards. There’s no excuse for it.
In the end, if you are in the media and you pride yourself on being a journalist, the first objective is to know as much as you can. Secondly, to be honest about what you know and you don’t know. And you can be subjective in what you would like to receive, but ultimately, you have to be an objective grabber of the information and make sure you’re disseminating that to the masses.
And what we’ve seen is people take an agenda spin. You make sure the world knows you’re not a journalist, that you’re out here. This is who you feel. You are a staunch conservative. These are what your belief, this is what you stand on, fair enough.
If somebody on the left does that, that’s fine, too.
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