Canada Police Warn Victims of ‘Porch Pirates’ Not to Expose Suspects Due to Privacy Issue

porch pirate
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Neighbors in the Montreal West area of Quebec, Canada, have been targeted by thieves nabbing deliveries off their porches, but law enforcement has warned sharing video of a suspect could get citizens in trouble.

A councillor in charge of public security identified as Lauren Small-Pennefather told CTV News on Saturday the theft incidents happen regularly and suspects are figuring out fresh ways to get what they want.

One way is when they follow a car, watch for a delivery, then grab the package when no one answers the door to take it inside.

According to Global News, that kind of theft increases during the holidays as more and more people choose online shopping.

However, law enforcement officers have issued a warning to neighbors who are victims of such acts, the CTV News report continued:

Provincial police (SQ) are urging Quebecers not to post the clips online because they say there could be a case for defamation.

“You cannot post the images yourself because you have to remember, in Canada, we have a presumption of innocence and posting that picture could be a violation of private life,” said SQ communications officer Lt. Benoit Richard.

Richard told community members to call 911 in the case of a stolen package and give proof to law enforcement, adding, “We’ll do the investigation, bring that person to justice and file some charges.”

In November, a package holding a toddler’s birthday gift was swiped from a porch in Ontario, and CTV News noted the suspects are performing the acts “in broad daylight.”

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Meanwhile in Pennsylvania, so-called “porch pirates” could face heavy consequences after Gov. Josh Shapiro (D) signed a law making penalties harsher, Breitbart News reported December 23.

Throop Police Chief Andrew Kerecman spoke in favor of the law, commenting, “If you don’t penalize somebody for doing something, they’ll continue to do it.”

In December 2019, a mother in Glendale, California, decided she was not going to let it go when an alleged thief tried to swipe a package from her neighbor’s porch, according to Breitbart News.

As the incident unfolded, Shannon Brandon ran outside her home and began screaming.

“I don’t think so! Hey! Hey, stop! Go put that back, right now! Right now!” she yelled. “What the hell is wrong with you? Get out of our neighborhood now!”

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The suspect then placed the box back on the neighbor’s steps and walked away from the scene while the mother told her son to call police.


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