The Christmas of '09: Riding The Rhone

Despite the darkening clouds of increasingly Marxist/Islamic sympathies in the White House (“This is no longer just a Christian nation …”, said the President) and regardless of the Obama Nation’s success at “fundamentally transforming the United States of America” into the Obama Nation … Americans are still celebrating both Christmas and Hanukkah.

Such a time of profoundly important Judeo-Christian sacredness, with our pride in its significance increasingly muzzled by “Progressively political correctness”, should and, I believe, will be honored more deeply because of the inferential shame our New World Order leadership would like to immerse it in.


Apparently, and for the entire history of America, its Judeo-Christian roots have been, in the eyes of Progressives, one of our nation’s incessant problems, and the main reason the United States has found it impossible to join the … uh … “community of nations”.

“Is this another diatribe, another imbecilic slap at the United Nations, Mr. Moriarty?!”

Yes … among other shots at the Progressive certainty over the apparently incontestable New World Order.

The Copenhagen Climate Summit and the American mainstream press make it sound like “It’s all wrapped up!”

Hmmm … not so fast!

I know that my old television series, Law and Order, with the invaluable help of that insidiously low key, Marxist agent provocateur named Rene Balcer, is a perfect example of the Obama Nation’s farewell to anything but “cultural equality” as an increasingly militant, Progressive demand. However, I think the likes of Dick Wolf, Barack Obama and George Soros are counting their chickens before they hatch.

The United States fought and won a World War with three tyrannies … simultaneously – Nazi Germany, Fascist Italy and Imperial Japan – a nightmare that actually dragged the nation out of its first Great Depression.


Right … now, however, the combined forces of Far left America, neo-Soviet Russia, Red China and a worldwide, Islamic Jihad – are threatening the entire Judeo-Christian civilization of not only all of Europe but the two American continents as well. The New World Order wants the Western Hemisphere wrapped up and delivered … with a Public Option Health Care Bill, by Christmas.

Delivered to George Soros and CC’d to President Obama before the New Year!

“George Soros?!”

Yes … this is a reminder of who still holds one of the purse strings within not only the Obama Nation’s Game Plan … but that of neo-Soviet Vladimir Putin as well.

“George Soros, eh?”


If anyone is sitting on top of the Whole New World Order, it’s George Soros.

Hmmm, again!

“What’s that got to do with Christmas?”



Not Soros, nor Obama nor the likes of Rene Balcer really want anything to do with celebrations that impede the speed of a fully Progressive, increasingly Marxist New World Order.

“What about Dick Wolf?”

He’s along for the ride. He is also what his Progressive friends think of as a “safe gambler”.

The Wolf’s riding the Rhone now, the Deep Red Horse of either a New World Order tyranny or apocalypse. The Progressive Wolf Pack surrounding him won’t let him off the ride … ever! If he jumps, they’ll eat him alive!

The 2009 Law and Order is nothing more than a shamelessly arrogant, propaganda arm for the Obama Nation and its profoundly seminal importance for the Progressive aim of dragging the United States of America into the New World Order … kicking and screaming, if need be.

Of course, leading all that “kicking and screaming” is the dauntless Glenn Beck!

Just days after I buttoned up my own editorial, Senator Reid prepares us for our second civil war, after I ended it with threats of impeachment.

Glenn Beck was exposing the potentially “high crime” – the “misdemeanors” are already bleeding from the graft, blackmail and corruption within President Obama’s Czarified and, I believe, highly unconstitutional advisory staff – the impeachable offence of threatening our national security in order to bully a fellow Democrat into voting for the Complete Obama/Reid/Pelosi Health Care Bill.

Hmmmm, indeed!!

This isn’t Bill Clinton caught in a Tiger Woods dilemma!

This Chicago-style muscle which the Obama administration has been putting upon many Congressmen and Congresswomen, coupled with what I believe will be found indisputably unconstitutional, the Cap and Trade Bill, these acts of reckless disregard for the Constitution are treading dangerously into impeachable offenses.

However, with a Democratic majority in both Houses of Congress?

Must we wait?

Or will the growing schism within the Democratic Party, that between the True Progressives and the Blue Dogs, widen to at least the width of the very Potomac River which our First President rode across to defeat taxation without representation.

With, as I say, the Obama Nation riding on the high horse of a Rhone Progressive Tyranny, the likes of Soros, Obama and, yes, my former producer, Dick Wolf, may very well ride off the “precipice” which President Obama spoke of so affirmatively the other day … but which will turn out to be the classic, old “precipice of disaster we all fear.

In this case, we needn’t fear it. The Law and Order of the Obama Nation, however, might end up falling off that cliff … all by itself!

In light of that possibility, I wish my readers the Happiest of New Years and the Merriest of Christmases!!


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