The Leftist Entertainment Media Sure Is Excited About 'The Tillman Story'

I wonder how a certain left-wing film site will cover “The Tillman Story,” a documentary about Pat Tillman’s death in Afghanistan directed by Amir Bar-Lev and narrated by Josh Brolin (this Josh Brolin?) that’s set for a theatrical release August 20th.

Actually, I wonder how all of the leftist entertainment media will cover it. Will they be skeptical? Will they fact check? Will they even bother to pretend there might be another side to the story? These are rhetorical questions.


Rhetorical or not, S.T. Vanairsdale of the hard-left film site Movieline looks as though he’s already answered the question:

[T]he trailer peels back a few preliminary layers of the documentary the Weinstein Company hopes can help elevate it back to Oscar heights next year. Moreover, director Amir Bar-Lev has a story to tell about the mistreatment of a soldier, his family and an entire American public by a government preoccupied with preserving the heroic tradition of its military at any costs — even at the expense of a selfless troop’s legacy.

It’s all twoo! It’s all twoo! because Hollywood told me so! It’s so true in fact that for the first time in who knows how long Vanairsdale put on suspension the shallow, superior snark that made him who he is.

And then there’s the L.A. Times, who offers up this reassuring headline…

In ‘Tillman’ and ‘Restrepo,’ a pair of Afghanistan movies that seek a place above politics

Well, what a relief that is. It’s not like the L.A. Times would say such a thing to sucker the unsuspecting into movie theatres if it weren’t true. Right…?

And so welcome to yet another episode of how your incurious, unskeptical, butt-boy entertainment media works. Well, unless of course the entertainment in question happens to fall outside the leftist narrative. If you remember it was Movieline and the L.A. Times who had no problem getting so curious and so skeptical about right-of-center musician Jonathan Kahn that both gave Google one helluva workout in order to allow the lies of omission to rain down like progressive tears at just the thought of a foreign terrorist not being read his rights.

Big Hollywood hasn’t seen “The Tillman Story.” It wasn’t even high on our radar. But when two of Tinseltown’s top leftist water-carriers carry this much water to assure us there’s nothing political to see here and then assume the highly defensive crouch of challenging us to “smear” it

Well, something’s up. And we very much appreciate them letting us know.


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