Game On: Lawmaker Seeks to End Use of Taxpayer Funds to Help Bin Laden Movie

Rep. Lynn Jenkins, a Republican from Kansas, has introduced a bill that would stop the administration’s use of taxpayer money to help Sony Pictures, director Kathryn Bigelow, and screenwriter Mark Boal produce what is obviously going to be a $50 – $75 million Obama 2012 campaign commercial — and one that is currently (and not coincidentally) scheduled to be released just a few weeks prior to the 2012 election.

Bigelow and Boal

The Hill:

A Republican lawmaker from Kansas wants to prevent the administration from helping Sony make a move about the killing of Osama bin Laden.

The Stop Subsidizing Hollywood Act introduced by Rep. Lynn Jenkins (R-Kan.) would stop the Obama administration from spending taxpayer money to share information about the killing of bin Laden with Sony Pictures, which is looking to release a film about that event in October 2012.

Jenkins said the bill, introduced on Friday, is necessary because the government has no role to play in helping the movie industry at a time of fiscal crisis.

“In an era of 9 percent unemployment, trillion dollar deficits, credit downgrades, and record debt ceiling extensions it is unconscionable that tax payer dollars are being used to aid the Hollywood film industry in fact checking and script research,” Jenkins said. “American families have been forced to go through their budgets line by line and look for ways to tighten their belts, and it is time the federal government does the same.”

Sony, Bigelow and Boal have been given every opportunity to do the right thing and push the film’s release date into late December and out of the political arena. They have CHOSEN not to do so. Furthermore, they were the ones who chose to play politics with this film to begin with, not Rep. Jenkins and not anyone on the Right.

There’s nothing we would all like more than to enjoy a non-partisan, pro-American film about the killing of Osama bin Laden, nothing we would all like more than to anticipate the film we’ve been waiting ten years to see — the one where Hollywood finally takes our side in the War on Terror. But the decision has been made by the Hollywood Left to cynically use a key moment in our history and, worst of all, the bravery and heroism of our troops, as partisan political pawns.

As of right now, conservatives not only have the right to do everything within their power to bring down this film, they have an obligation.

If the filmmakers and studio want to play politics … let’s play.


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