Hollywood Celebs Defend Obama as Trump Hammers #Obamagate Scandal

US President Barack Obama and singer and actress Barbra Streisand attend a Presidential Me

Team Obama, activate!

Left-wing Hollywood stars are rallying around Barack Obama as evidence mounts that the former president was involved in the failed take down Gen. Michael Flynn as well as a larger clandestine effort to derail the Trump presidency. President Donald Trump has repeatedly tweeted about a massive “Obamagate” scandal, saying that Obama and Joe Biden led the “most corrupt administration in U.S. history.”

“It was OBAMAGATE, and he and Sleepy Joe led the charge. The most corrupt administration in U.S. history!” the president tweeted on Monday.

Over the weekend, leaked audio footage emerged of Obama slamming Trump. The former president claimed that the Justice Department’s decision to abandon its prosecution of Flynn means that the “basic understanding of rule of law is at risk.” He also slammed President Trump’s handling of the coronavirus pandemic.

Loyal left-wing Hollywood celebrities have begun circling the wagons around Obama, playing defense as the #Obamagate hashtag trended on Twitter on Monday. Prominent entertainment figures including Ava DuVernay, Barbra Streisand, Patricia Arquette, and Jeffrey Wright have leapt to the former president’s aid, eager to downplay the gravity of the brewing scandal.

Filmmaker Ava DuVernay dismissed Obamagate as the artificial product of Twitter bots and then deflected toward the coronavirus. She also promoted the #Trumpgate hashtag.

Barbra Streisand chimed in by echoing Obama’s leaked audio statement that “the rule of law is under siege.”

Oscar-winning actress Patricia Arquette said she is blocking people who use the #Obamagate hashtag.

Actor Jeffrey Wright called Obamagate “just so fucking stupid,” and then deflected toward the coronavirus.

Comedy Central’s The Daily Show, which is hosted by Trevor Noah, also tried to downplay Obamagate, but in a humorous way.

Law & Order: SVU star Chris Meloni dismissed Obamagate as a ruse the president is using to distract the public.

Star Trek star George Takei waxed nostalgic about the Obama administration in a recent tweet.

Comedian Sandra Bernhard thanked Obama for what he said in the leaked audio. “Thank you Mr. President,” she wrote.

John Cusack tweeted his total support of Obama’s leaked audio slamming President Trump.

Thirtysomething actor Ken Olin added himself to the Hollywood pile-on by mocking President Trump over a tweet about Obamagate.

Follow David Ng on Twitter @HeyItsDavidNg. Have a tip? Contact me at dng@breitbart.com



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