Left-wing comedian Sarah Silverman voiced rare criticism of the radical “Squad” on Sunday, attacking the far-left for “proving” that only dead and suffering Jews are liked.
She also lamented that the radical left refuses to acknowledge the Hamas terror group — whose mission statement calls to “kill all Jews” — and she explained how ceasing funding would condemn Israeli civilians to certain death, but “we’re not allowed to call it anti-Semitism.”
The “Squad,” which consists of radical progressive Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ayanna Pressley (D-MA), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), and Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), succeeded in forcing Democrats to nix roughly $1 billion in funding for Israel’s Iron Dome missile defense system from the short-term government funding bill last month.
Israel’s Iron Dome is a defense mechanism to reduce deaths from launched rockets from terrorists. It has also provided the U.S. with cutting-edge defense technology.
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In response to their initial successful efforts to force Democrats to remove the clause providing supplementary funding for the Iron Dome, a puzzled Silverman sought to comprehend the “Squad’s” aims on her latest eponymous podcast.
Calling it an air defense system that “shoots missiles out of the sky so that they don’t land and blow people up,” Silverman described the Iron Dome as “just defensive. It’s not offensive.”
“And it’s just frustrating because my girls — my girls in the ‘Squad’ — really didn’t want it to be funded,” she said. “They wanted to defund it.”
Stating that the Iron Dome is “not a weapon,” she noted that “all the Iron Dome does is protect civilians from getting hit by missiles and bombs. That’s all it does.”

The Iron Dome air-defense system fires to intercept a rocket over the city of Ashdod on July 8, 2014, in Ashdod, Israel. (Ilia Yefimovich/Getty)
“If anything,” Silverman said, “ask for one over Gaza — get one everywhere!”
“I would personally like no missiles or bombs to land on anyone,” she added.
She also noted that Gaza terror group missiles are “aimed at citizens,” and not at weapons or the Israeli parliament.
“They’re not aimed at artilleries or the Knesset even, which is the Israeli government, which by the way is now co-led by an Arab politician,” she said.
Addressing the “Squad,” she accused them of “wanting to take away from the thing that protects every citizen of Israel.”

A Palestinian demonstrator hurls rocks at Israeli troops during a fiery confrontation in Bethlehem, West Bank, May 20, 2021. (Hazem Bader/AFP via Getty Images)
Silverman then quoted her niece, saying, “voting against the Iron Dome defense system is voting for dead Israelis — and that’s Muslims, Christians, and Jews alike.”
“Israeli civilians are Jews and Arabs and Christians, and they are black and brown and white,” she said.
“Sorry to tell you it’s not just ‘dirty Jews’ you’re letting die,” she added.
Expressing her continued confusion, Silverman struggled to define the move. “I don’t know what this is,” she said, adding, “We’re not allowed to call it anti-Semitism.”

An Israeli inspects the damage to his house following a rocket attack from the Gaza Strip, in the southern Israeli city of Sderot on May 15, 2021. (Jack Guez/AFP via Getty Images)
Pondering what might happen if the Iron Dome were removed, Silverman called the scenario a “dark” one. “What do you think might happen if you take away the one thing that protects people from missiles in a place where missiles are constantly flying at you?” she asked. “That’s dark.”
She then reiterated her inability to comprehend how progressive Democrats could support such a scenario.
“I’m really, really trying to understand it, though,” she said, adding that — though Israelis “need it” — “it’s definitely something to talk about.”
Ramping up the criticism, Silverman called out the “Squad” for failing to address the Hamas terror group, which is responsible for launching missiles at civilians which the Iron Dome protects against.

Palestinian youths chant slogans as they raise training rifles during a military summer camp organized by the Hamas movement in Gaza City, on June 26, 2021. (Mahmud Hams/AFP via Getty Images)
“None of them [the “Squad”] talk about Hamas. No one in the ‘Squad’ is bringing up Hamas,” she said.
“I can’t [comprehend why] — it’s so bizarre,” she added.
Silverman, again, expressed her frustration over the “Squad’s” refusal to address Hamas, the Gaza terror group which calls for genocide of Jews worldwide and has been accused of using its citizens as human shields and sacrificing their welfare to invest in its terror capabilities.
“Why do none of them even mention Hamas? A group that until just a few years ago had a mission statement that said, ‘kill all Jews.’ A group that just congratulated the Taliban for taking over Afghanistan,” she said.

A member of the Taliban special forces pushes a journalist covering a demonstration by women protestors outside a school in Kabul on September 30, 2021. (Bulent Kilic/AFP via Getty Images)
“No, Israel is not good for Palestine, but you are kidding yourself if you think Hamas is good for Palestine,” she added. “The whole thing is just fucking gross.”
Despite condemning “the [Israeli] occupation,” Silverman added: “but [the Palestinians] elected Hamas.”
Addressing the “Squad,” Silverman pleaded: “Please do not defund the Iron Dome.”
She then lamented that the progressive “Squad” members had seemed to “prove” that only dead and suffering Jews are appreciated.
“Just talking to the ‘Squad’ here. You know my family lives there. It just seems to prove the point that I didn’t think existed, which is people really only like Jews if they’re suffering; dead Jews get a lot of honor,” she said.
Claiming she truly wished to “love” the “Squad’s” members, Silverman admitted that they make it difficult.
“I want to love them, I really do. I love AOC, I love Rashida Tlaib, I love Ilhan Omar. Their domestic policies are completely aligned with mine and I think they’re so cool and kick-ass, but this is really scary,” she said.
“You make it hard,” she added. “Not having the Iron Dome is going to kill people, a lot of people. You’ll finally get that higher body count from Israel.”
Silverman ended the segment by presenting herself as a staunch supporter of “Palestine,” though still believing in the right of the existence of a Jewish state.
“Look I am for a Palestinian state; I mean my Twitter location has been the ‘State of Palestine’ since I’ve signed up for Twitter,” she said. “But I do also believe there should be an Israel too.”

A screenshot of Sarah Silverman’s Twitter, with the location set as “state of Palestine,” October 4, 2021. (Screenshot/Twitter)
“There are Muslim states all over the place,” she added, “We can’t have one Jewish State?”
The “Squad” has a history of antisemitic charges and has been accused of repeated attacks on Israel while ignoring the plight of Palestinians at the hands of Hamas or Afghans under Taliban control.
Last month, Rep. Carlos Gimenez (R-FL) said the Iron Dome also saves the lives of Palestinians because if Israel didn’t have the Iron Dome, it would take a “far greater, more aggressive stance against the Palestinians that are firing the rockets.”
He also accused opponents of the Iron Dome of trying to kill innocent civilians.
“Look, the Iron Dome is purely a defensive weapon. It saves Israeli lives. It saves Palestinian lives. So, what are they trying to do? They’re trying to kill people? I mean, are they out of their minds?” he said.

An Israeli firefighter works at the site where a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, hit the central Israeli town of Holon, near Tel Aviv, May 11, 2021. (AP Photo/Heidi Levine)
In May, Rep. Guy Reschenthaler (R-PA) called out the far-left for failing to fight for civilians under terrorist rule, while blasting them for spreading disinformation in defense of terrorists.
“Instead of using their platforms to push terrorist propaganda, these members of Congress should stand up for the civilians in Gaza suffering under the tyrannical rule of a designated terrorist group,” he said.
Follow Joshua Klein on Twitter @JoshuaKlein.
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