Jon Voight: Democrats Have Damaged America by Reversing Trump Policies

Jon Voight

Jon Voight has ripped Democrat leaders for the damage they have inflicted on the country, saying they have reversed the accomplishments made by former President Donald Trump during his time in the White House.

The Oscar-winning actor also spoke about the decline of California and how the state has been severely mismanaged by Democrats.

In an interview with Newsmax host Rob Schmitt, Jon Voight said Democrats are intentionally un-doing the progress made under the Trump administration.

“We had President Trump,” Voight said. “Take a look at the problems when he came into office, and he solved them, one after another, because he’s a person who’s a doer and he’s a problem solver. And therefore you accomplished all those things. And now we have another person in office, and they’re systematically just eliminating all of the progress that he made, right? That’s their agenda.”

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Voight said he has seen California deteriorate in the decades he’s lived in the state.
“This is a tremendous place, California. It’s the fifth largest economy in the world. We should be taking care of it. And to see it being destroyed in this way. People are leaving in droves. And somebody’s going to come to the rescue here.”
Although initially hesitant to talk about California Gov. Gavin Newsom (D), Voight eventually weighed in.
“Gavin Newsom has failed our state, and now they’re grooming him to run for the presidency. They have nobody else.”
As Breitbart News reported, Voight has called for the impeachment of President Joe Biden. “He has wronged this nation’s glory. He has taken down our morals, our true gift of the land of the free. He must be impeached,” he said.
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