Nolte: William Shatner Says ‘Self-Righteous’ Paramount Erasing Captain Kirk

Actor William Shatner as James T. Kirk William Shatner as Captain James Kirk in close up
Bettmann / Getty

Living legend William Shatner told the truth about how the “self-righteous” and “enlightened” at Paramount are erasing a character they’re “threatened” by: James Tiberius Kirk.

It all began on Xwitter when a fan asked the 92-year-old superstar his feelings about the news that Paramount+ is making a movie about Star Trek: The Next Generation’s Captain Jean-Luc Picard, which will star Patrick Stewart — who just finished a three-season run of Picard, a Next-Generation spin-off for Paramount+.

Shatner graciously answered, “I think that a new movie with Sir Patrick is wonderful news.” About the online criticism of the Picard movie, Shatner added, “Haters Gonna Hate.”

When a Xwitter user asked, “But will we ever see Captain Kirk again?” Shatner pulled no punches (or flying two-legged kicks). “All you have to do is look at the Paramount+ graphics to answer that question,” he xweeted. Attached to Shatner’s xweet was a Paramount publicity photo celebrating Star Trek’s past. Seen is every captain (and others, including an animated character) except for Shatner’s Kirk.

“Has anyone at Paramount come out with an official explanation for this MASSIVE FLUB?” someone asked.

“It’s not the first time it’s been going on for years,” Shatner replied. “It makes no difference to me that a group who think they are ‘enlightened’ (or whatever they think they are) obviously feels threatened by the Kirk character.”

“It’s a character from a 1960’s TV show- get over it.”

To prove this point, Shatner included a promotional photo celebrating Star Trek Day, where much less popular characters are front and center. Shatner’s Kirk is nowhere to be seen:

Shatner added:

It doesn’t bother me in the least. A bunch of self righteous strangers thinking they are sending a message by erasing the past? Who is going to forget? It’s everywhere. It’s so indoctrinated that it will take many generations to be forgotten, no matter what they do. Let it be.

And it shouldn’t bother Shatner because consider the source: blacklisting fascists threatened by 1) Kirk’s unapologetic masculinity, 2) Kirk’s eternal popularity, and 3) Shatner’s incredible success.

How many people can come close to replicating William Shatner’s success?

Shatner has…

  • Been a star for 60 years
  • Gone to space
  • Starred in one of the most iconic Twilight Zone episodes of all time
  • Won a Golden Globe and two Emmys
  • Headlined a hit film franchise through seven Star Trek features
  • Co-written a hit series of sci-fi novels
  • Written three best-selling memoirs
  • Headlined four hit TV series

And then there’s this simple fact: Despite countless attempts, no Star Trek movie or TV show without William Shatner can touch the glory of Star Trek with William Shatner.

But in this near-dystopia, heroic, masculine men like James Kirk and icons unafraid to speak their piece like William Shatner must be silenced, purged, and punished. Shatner’s James Kirk must be erased for the same reason Indiana Jones is emasculated, Luke Skywalker is branded a child killer, and one icon after another is eliminated and replaced with affirmative action hires.

Other than Muhammad Ali’s, Shatner’s is the most I’ve ever paid for an autograph. He is a one-of-a-kind, and a sane Hollywood would honor and even exploit him. Instead, the new McCarthyites dismiss and purge.

I’m telling you, buy your hard copies of classic Trek. Do you want to live in a world where the same Paramount+ currently erasing Shatner is the only way to watch classic Trek? Trust me…

You don’t.

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