Former comedian Jon Stewart caved to the fascist, left-wing mob and shamed himself Monday for suggesting (accurately) a few weeks back that His Fraudulency Joe Biden is too old to be president.
Stewart returned to the far-left, basement-rated Daily Show earlier this year after a nine-year hiatus where the socialist failed at everything he touched: an HBO show, directing features, and an Apple TV+ show that earned fewer viewers than a test pattern.
His humiliating return to the Daily Show brought with it an attempt by Stewart to gaslight his minuscule audience into believing he would be his own man from now on. Yes, he actually mocked the third rail of Joe Biden’s age.
Speaking of Special Counsel Robert Hur’s report, a report that basically said Biden is not mentally fit to stand trial, Stewart said:
This guy couldn’t remember stuff during his deposition. Do you understand what that means? He had no ability to recall very basic things under questioning. The footage of the president unable to recall simple facts must have been brutal to watch.
Stewart also mocked Biden for referring to Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi as the president of Mexico during a White House press conference meant to address the special counsel’s devastating comments about his age.
“Now, geography buffs might have noticed Gaza and Mexico do not share a border,” Stewart quipped.
Obviously, because he’s a good dog, Stewart then went on to attack Trump’s age. Nevertheless, the left had a meltdown over Stewart daring to tell a truth inconvenient to the Democrat Party’s poisonous quest for power. And…
To no one’s surprise, Stewart used Biden’s disastrous State of the Union speech not to make fun of Biden but to chastise himself for daring to suggest Biden wasn’t up to the job.
Which one of you pricks wants to fight? Put up your dukes! Biden is back, baby! I know that all that all the haters have been out there, talking their shit — he is too old, he is too weak, he won’t be able to make it, he is — I see you haters. I know who you are! (pulls mirror, blows himself a kiss). … Of course, by the way, the State Of The Union was just the Democratic message. But does that message survive a concise and intelligent rebuttal? It happened on Thursday. I should read the whole thing, though I should. Would it survive a concise and intelligent rebuttal from the G.O.P.? Or whatever it was that Alabama senator Katie Britt.
And what followed was 15 minutes of Republican bashing.
When Stewart first returned to the Daily Show, the corporate media fell all over itself with gushing headlines about what a ratings hit it was… What a triumph! Jon Stewart is back, baby! And he brought almost two million viewers with him!
Yeah, well, on Monday, March 4, Stewart couldn’t top even a million viewers—918,000.

File/Vice President Joe Biden hugs comedian Jon Stewart during a comedy show organized by United Services Organizations (USO) for members of the military and their families, at Andrews Air Force Base, May 5, 2016, in Joint Base Andrews, Maryland. (Drew Angerer/Getty Images)
As I’ve said a million times, the cable television racket is nothing less than affirmative action for leftists like Jon Stewart, who always flame out in a merit-based world like, say, Apple TV+.
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