Comedy Central’s part-time late-night host Jon Stewart took a sledgehammer to the cacophony of “submissive liberal crying” from elected Democrats and corporate media talking heads that “Trump is a fascist” following a week in which the president ushered in a litany of executive actions, firings, and mass deportations of criminal aliens.
“Now look, I have a lot of fear that as this term goes on, things are going to get a little fascist-y. And we must be vigilant. But part of vigilance is discernment. Republicans control the House, the Senate, the executive, and the judiciary. And just about every move that has been made, till this point, we have granted them electorally. It’s our fucking fault,” Stewart said during his 20-minute takedown of the Democrats’ oft-hyperbolic reaction to Trump’s first full week in office.
“And a constant drumbeat of encroaching fascism will erode the credibility we will need if, hopefully if and if not when, it hits,” Stewart continued. “The truth is that for now, is that the most objectionable actions have taken place almost entirely within our designed democratic system.”
Appealing to a currently leaderless Democrat Party that can’t seem to find it’s footing in the face of a towering Trump, a party still clinging to Hillary Clinton presidential campaign-era talking points, Stewart advised the Left to do less alarmism and present itself as a sober alternative.
“The question is probably not, ‘How dare he?’ The question should be, ‘What are you learning from this? How would you use this power? What is your contract with America?’” Stewart said. “Democrats, exist outside of him. Tell people what you would do with the power that Trump is wielding, and then convince us to give that power to you as soon as possible! That is the goal!”
Jerome Hudson is Breitbart News Entertainment Editor and author of the book 50 Things They Don’t Want You to Know About Trump. Order your copy today. Follow Jerome Hudson on Twitter and instagram@jeromeehudson
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