Robert Kaufman: Lessons for the 21st Century

Today on Frank Gaffney’s Secure Freedom Radio, Political Scientist and Professor at Pepperdine University Robert Kaufman joins Frank for a full hour to delve into the lessons of the 21st Century in regards to American foreign policy. Many of those lessons were learned the hard way, says Kaufman, as appeasement has been the general rule throughout the decades. “No one else took it seriously,” says the well-credentialed Professor of Public Policy, when Hitler clearly stated his aims in Mein Kampf, when Lenin said “we will bury you,” or when Bin Laden called the United States the “Great Satan.” It is ideology that has distinguished liberal democracies from dictatorships, and the current ideologies must be taken seriously if we are to avoid the folly of proclaiming “peace in our time” like our leaders before us.

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