Reports Indicate Iran Closer to Nukes, White House Stays the Course

Reports Indicate Iran Closer to Nukes, White House Stays the Course

Multiple sources are reporting that President Obama has received damning new intelligence on Iran’s nuclear program. The intelligence allegedly shows that “Iran has made significant progress toward creating nuclear weapons.”

When asked about it, White House spokesman Jay Carney would neither verify nor deny those reports. He would only say that President Obama remains committed “to using a diplomatic window of opportunity to get the Iranians to change course.”

It was only days ago that Israel’s Defense Minister Ehud Barak said diplomatic measures “are not enough to stop Iran’s nuclear program.” Adding that continued progress toward a weapon on Iran’s part would necessitate a pre-emptive attack by Israel.

It appears Carney and President Obama believe they can just look the other way and this will all vanish. 


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