Breitbart Contributor Anne Bayefsky Lone Pro-Israel Voice at UN Panel on Palestine

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Anne Bayefsky, a Breitbart News contributor who serves as director of the Touro Institute on Human Rights and the Holocaust, made her voice heard on Monday in response to a UN report which charged Israel with committing war crimes during its war last summer with Palestinian terrorist group Hamas.

United States officials, after reviewing the report, said the investigation showed “clear bias” against the Jewish state.

Bayefsky spoke before the United Nations Human Rights panel on the danger terrorist group Hamas presents to the existence of Israel and the nation’s need for self-defense against terrorist groups with clear intentions of erasing the Jewish people from history. (speech starts around 2:18:00)

The Touro Institute director represented the only pro-Israel NGO that the UN Human Rights Council (which has been have described as a “kangaroo court” against Israel) allowed to comment on the ruling, but she was accompanied in the room by at least 6 to 7 pro-Palestinian NGOs.

Bayefsky said in her remarks before the UN Human Rights Council:

The Hamas Charter says “O Moslems… there is a Jew… come and kill him.”

Your report says: “The commission cannot… determine the intent of Palestinian armed groups with regard to the…tunnels.”

The Hamas Charter says: “Israel will exist… until Islam will obliterate it…”

Your report says: it was “difficult” for Gaza armed groups “to avoid locating military objectives within…densely populated areas…”

In the field, there are genocidal killers targeting Israeli civilians, while using Palestinian civilians as shields – classic war criminals.

At the Human Rights Council, there are their legal apologists.

The UN Charter says: “Nothing…shall impair the inherent right of…self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations”

Yet your report never mentions the word “self-defense” in the case of Israel responding to armed attacks from Gaza.

The Holocaust began with the subversion of law and rules for Jews only.

You begin with international law rules concocted for Israel only.

Eighty years ago German lawyers and jurists prosecuted Jews with self-righteous indignation in the name of accountability for trumped-up crimes.

You call for the prosecution of Israelis by the ICC and through national courts, and their extradition to stand trial – launching a legal pogrom against the people of the Jewish state for defending themselves.

A paid Palestinian legal advisor who chaired the “largely completed” fact-finding phase.

An “impartial” jurist whose previous UN Gaza report means she judged the same case twice.

And a UN expert whose reports have defended anti-Zionism – the rejection of the Jewish people’s self-determination.

History will be as unkind to you as it was to your ignominious predecessors, for the blood of the innocent is on your hands.


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