Kanye West sued for $145,813 in alleged rental contract breach

Kanye West sued for $145,813 in alleged rental contract breach

Oct. 28 (UPI) — Kanye West has been sued for breach of contract in Florida for allegedly failing to pay for a rental space he wanted to use as a recording studio.

The suit said West agreed to rent the space for 25 days at $5,000 per day and then failed to pay the total of $145,813 owed.

According to the lawsuit, the parties agreed to the rental “via telephone and text message.”

The suit was filed by Surface Media, LLC. The company said in the suit that the space is in the Miami Design District and it is “a shoppable showroom with a curated art collection, design objects, and furniture that also serves as a unique rental space for private events.”

According to Surface Media, record producer and rapper Charles Misodi Njapa, also known as 88-Keys, served as an agent with the authority to act on West’s behalf in renting the space.

The lawsuit seeks the $145,813.00 in damages and “any other relief the court deems just and proper.”

West had discussed customizing the space to fit his needs, which included moving art pieces and furniture from the space and bringing in other art pieces and furniture to match his desired color scheme, according to Surface Media.

“My client pulled off what was essentially an overnight transformation of its art studio into a recording studio for Ye and accompanying artists,” Jonathan Smulevich, an attorney representing Surface Media, told the Miami Herald.

“In doing so, no request was too big or too small – Ye asked, and they delivered – and my client incurred significant costs and expenses to deliver.”

West has not commented on the lawsuit.

It’s the latest trouble for West, who tweeted anti-Semitic remarks in October, triggering the severing of lucrative business deals with Adidas and other companies.


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