Newest NAACP Hate Speech Double Standard Alert


The Philadelphia Inquirer reports that racial slurs and swastikas were spray painted on a fence in Southern New Jersey late Sunday or early Monday. The article states:

Obscene references to President Obama and African Americans were scrawled in black across backyard fences owned by five residents, according to Monroe Township Police Capt. John Cortesi. Two “crudely drawn swastikas” also appeared on the fences, which face heavily traveled Corkery Lane.

As expected, the NAACP chimed in as well:

Loretta Williams, president of the Gloucester County NAACP, said her organization wanted the incident treated as a bias crime and not a prank.

“This is something we won’t tolerate,” she said. “People have no right to spread their hate message, whether it’s on a fence, a wall, or over the Internet, and intimidate people.”

It’s interesting how the NAACP denounces hate speech when they are the target, but it’s free speech or is to be tolerated when one of their own spews the hate:

Samir: My job is to educate black people, whether they want to be educated or not. I don’t give a damn what they may think about white people, I hate white people. All of them. Every last iota of a cracker I hate him. Because we are still in this condition.

Samir: We didn’t come out here to play. There is to much serious business going on in your black community to be sliding through south street with white, dirty cracker whores on your arms. What’s a matter with you black man, you got a doomsday with a white woman on your arm.

“We keep begging white people for freedom. No wonder we’re not free. Your enemy can not make you free fool. You want freedom you’re going to have to kill some crackers. You’re going to have to kill some of their babies.

For the record, as the Inquirer reports, County Prosecutor Sean Dalton called the vandalism “extremely disturbing messages of hate.” He said his office was assisting police in identifying possible suspects.

To that end, we do know who the suspects are in the calls to kill whites, er, “crackers” and their babies, so why are they not being arrested and prosecuted. Paging the Philadelphia Police and PA AG Tom Corbett, and President Obama.


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