HHS Falsely Claims Consumers Can Enroll In ObamaCare By Phone

HHS Falsely Claims Consumers Can Enroll In ObamaCare By Phone

Intrepid Washington Post health reporter Sarah Kliff noticed it when the Health & Human Services Deptartment [HHS] in charge of implementing the Affordable Care Act put out a new graphic today: 

With the Web site still experiencing problems, the White House has begun directing shoppers for insurance under the new health-care law to use a call center instead of HealthCare.Gov. Health and Human Services put out this graphic today, highlighting the different ways to “enroll” in coverage.


Kliff decided to actually see if it was possible to enroll and obtain an insurance plan over the phone.  She attempted this three times, and failed three times. She was told she could not enroll or purchase anything over the phone, and that the most she could do would be to have an application filled out for herself. 

Kliff explains there are 3 steps to successfully enrolling in ObamaCare and obtaining coverage, but the call centers Obama and top Democrats have been touting for the past several days can only help you with the very first step: filling out an application. The call centers cannot do the eligibility verification step or the enrollment step for you over the phone.  


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