Bug-Eating Actress Shailene Woodley Stumps for Bernie in Utah

Bernie Sanders and Shailene Woodley

Actress Shailene Woodley is stumping for Democratic presidential candidate Sen. Bernie Sanders in Utah ahead of Tuesday’s voting.

The eccentric Divergent star was expected to speak at Westminster College at 4 p.m. in Provo on Saturday, The Salt Lake Tribune reported.

On Saturday, Woodley took to Twitter to encourage her Utah followers to get out and vote for the democratic socialist.

The Tribune reports Sanders addressed a crowd of around 14,000 people on Friday at This Is the Place Heritage Park in Salt Lake City.

Sanders is expected to return to Salt Lake City on Monday for a rally at West High School.

Woodley, who has been stumping for Sanders on Twitter, has been photographed walking in public without shoes. She also previously stated she feels insects are the “future of food.”

“I’ve eaten ants and that was great, uh, and June bugs that was great,” she said last March. “I think the future of food is in insects, so we’ll see what happens.”

Woodley plays Edward Snowden’s girlfriend in Oliver Stone’s upcoming Snowden film.

In an interview with The Hollywood Reporter, the actress described the former CIA and NSA employee as a “hero.”


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