Sen. Mike Lee Has 37-Point Lead Over Transgender Opponent

Mike Lee Constitution Alex Brandon AP
Alex Brandon/AP

Utah U.S. Sen. Mike Lee is now leading his Democrat opponent by a 37-point margin.

Lee’s lead over political newcomer Misty Snow has expanded enormously, according to the most recent survey, conducted by Dan Jones & Associates during the September 1-9, 2016 period. The poll interviewed 605 likely Utah voters and has a margin of error +/- 3.98 percent.

Snow has campaigned largely on the fact that she is transgendered. According to her campaign website:

I will advocate on behalf of the working class, women, people of color, and the LGBT community instead of representing the greed of corporations.

There are some that claim that Utah is not ready for a candidate like me, but I strongly disagree. Utah is not only ready but in desperate need of a Senator exactly like me. We cannot wait for others to give us equality. We have to claim equality for ourselves.  I have the courage and fortitude to fight for economic prosperity and full equality under the law, and I will serve you well as Utah’s next U.S. Senator.

Three out of five survey participants – or 60 percent – now plan to vote for Lee, while only one out of five – or 23 percent – say they will vote for Snow.

According to

Clearly, Snow is having trouble gaining any traction outside of the Democratic base in Utah. In fact, unless Snow can start to make some gains, and soon, she’s on track to have the worst electoral showing by a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate in Utah since Dan Berman pulled in just 25.5% of the vote in 1980. That would be an embarrassing result for Utah’s minority party, which is struggling for relevance among voters.

Lee is dominating in virtually every demographic, according to the survey. When sex is a factor, men prefer Lee 60-25 percent, and women prefer Lee 59-21 percent.

Though Snow has targeted millennial voters in Utah for support, Lee is crushing her in that group as well. Voters aged 18-24 say they will vote for Lee, 63-11 percent, and those in the 25-34 cohort say they support Lee, 40-28 percent.


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