President Joe Biden delivered an angry speech against unvaccinated Americans on Thursday, threatening additional measures to make them get the coronavirus vaccine.
“We’ve been patient but our patience is wearing thin, and your refusal has cost all of us,” Biden said during a speech from the White House.
The president repeatedly voiced his frustration with the nearly 80 million Americans who were still not vaccinated, blaming them for the ongoing coronavirus pandemic.
He specifically sided with the vaccinated population.
“Many of us are frustrated with the nearly 80 million Americans who are still not vaccinated, even though the vaccine is safe, effective, and free,” he said.
Biden also called out Republican governors for trying to block vaccine, testing, and mask mandates around the country, blaming them for “working to undermine” his fight against the virus.
“These pandemic politics as I refer to are making people sick, causing unvaccinated people to die,” he said.
Biden said he would use whatever powers he could use as president to fight state governors and their laws.
“If these governors won’t help us beat the pandemic, I’ll use my powers as president to get them out of the way,” he said.
Biden said unvaccinated Americans were a “distinct minority” who were “keeping us from turning the corner” on the coronavirus pandemic.
“We cannot let unvaccinated do this progress — undo it,” he said. “Turn it back.”
He announced more draconian mandates, requiring employers with more than 100 employees to mandate getting the vaccines or submit to weekly testing.
“The bottom line. We’re going to protect vaccinated workers from unvaccinated co-workers,” he said.
Biden repeated that he had no concerns about personal freedom when it came to getting a vaccine.
“This is not about freedom or personal choice,” he said. “It’s about protecting yourself and those around you.”
The president concluded his speech by urging Americans to “stay together” during the pandemic.
“Get vaccinated,” he concluded in a hoarse whisper.
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