Seven-Time Deported Illegal Alien Charged with Shooting at Police in Drunk Driving Chase


An illegal alien, deported seven times from the United States, has been charged with shooting at Ramsey County, Minnesota, police officers while on a high-speed drunk driving chase.

Pablo Nava-Jaimes, a 31-year-old illegal alien from Mexico, was arrested and charged at the beginning of the month after having allegedly fired 10 rounds at police officers while he took them on a 100 miles-per-hour chase while drunk, with his pregnant wife in the passenger seat.

Nava-Jaimes, who was driving on a suspended driver’s license and wanted for drug crimes and driving with open containers, tried to flee on foot with his wife and allegedly threw over a fence the pistol he used to shoot at police. The pistol was recovered by officers.

After his arrest, Nava-Jaimes admitted to shooting at police after having consumed “8 or 9 beers.” He was initially booked on a $5 million bond, but Democrat-appointed Judge Kellie Charles reduced his bail to just $100,000. He will now only have to pay $10,000 to be released from police custody.

Reporting by Alpha News’ Kyle Hooten reveals that Nava-Jaimes is a seven-time deported illegal alien as confirmed by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agency:

“Pablo Nava-Jaimes, 31, is a citizen of Mexico and unlawfully present in the United States. Nava-Jaimes illegally entered the United States at an unknown date and at an unknown location,” the spokesperson said. This is at least his eighth illegal entry into the U.S.: “United States Border Patrol encountered and voluntarily removed Nava-Jaimes from the U.S. on at least seven occasions between 2008 and 2010,” the spokesperson reported. [Emphasis added]

Most recently, Nava-Jaimes was arrested in June 2021 on domestic violence, assault, and drug charges and later in December 2021 for drug possession and driving with open containers.

It is unclear why ICE agents did not take Nava-Jaimes into custody following those arrests.

John Binder is a reporter for Breitbart News. Email him at Follow him on Twitter here


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