More Americans say they agree more with former President Donald Trump than President Joe Biden on the issues, according to the latest survey from the Economist/YouGov, fielded after the first presidential debate.
The survey asked respondents, “Which candidate do you agree with more on the issues?”
A plurality across the board, 43 percent, said they agree more with Trump on the issues. Another 39 percent said they agree more with Biden, and 14 percent remain unsure. Only three percent said they agree with both “equally.”
Independents break with Trump on the issues by a six-point margin, as 37 percent said they agree with the former president more, followed by 31 percent who said they agree with Biden more. However, about a quarter, 26 percent, said they are not sure.
Further, 93 percent of Republicans say they align more with Trump on issues, but 12 percent less, 81 percent, of Democrats said the same of Biden.
The survey also asked respondents about the first presidential debate and found a plurality across the board, 46 percent, deeming Trump the winner of the debate. Just 11 percent said the same of Biden, and 19 percent said they were not sure. Another nine percent said it was a tie.
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Video Source: Courtesy of CNN Presidential Debate
Further, about a quarter of Democrats, 27 percent, said Biden won the debate, compared to 85 percent of Republicans who said Trump won.
Once again, independents overwhelmingly broke for Trump, as 41 percent said he won the debate, compared to six percent who said Biden won. Another 23 percent said they were unsure.
The survey was taken June 30 – July 2, 2024, among 1,608 U.S. adult citizens. It comes as Biden assures Democrats that he has no intention of dropping out of the race, despite widespread panic.
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Video Source: CNN
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