WATCH: Kneeling Protesters Told to Recite: ‘Revolution Is the Solution, Not Voting!’

Matt Perdie / Breitbart News

A large group of George Floyd protesters knelt in the middle of a street in Manhattan, New York, on Saturday and repeated phrases chanted by an activist.

“Repeat after me,” a man with a megaphone told the group as they held signs with phrases such as “Defund the Police” and “Black Lives Matter” written on them.

“I am on stolen land!” he shouted as they echoed him, adding, “Built by stolen people!”

Next, the activist instructed them to say “Revolution is the only solution! I am a revolutionary!”

During the protest chants, he also appeared to mention the Black Hammer organization that believes “the Colonized Proletariat should have dictatorship over our lives, labor, land, and resources,” according to its website.

The site continued:

Understanding that capitalism was born from colonialism and is maintained at the expense of the world’s Colonized people through genocide, theft, rape and pillage, Black Hammer believes firmly that Colonized Poor and Working Class people should have complete dictatorship over our lives, labor, land, and resources, to produce and reproduce for ourselves. This is the only genuine path to an international society where no person lives at the expense of another.

Later, the activist told the group to repeat that voting was not a solution to change, but only revolution was the answer.


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