Stephen A. Smith makes millions of dollars and gets to talk about sports all day but after a poll showing him only one point behind former Vice Presidential Nominee Tim Walz, the ESPN talker is considering a career change.
While Smith’s 2 percent polling number may not seem that impressive on its face, the fact that he only came in one point behind Walz at 3 percent has Smith thinking he may have what it takes to make it in politics.
On the Saturday edition of the Stephen A. Smith Show, the ESPN talker said it was unlikely he would enter politics, but the current “pathetic” state of the Democrat Party could change his mind.
“I doubt I’ll ever run,” Smith said. “It’s not me. I live a pretty good life, and I don’t want to ruin it by getting involved in politics. But I got to tell ya something. The Democratic Party looks so pathetic. After this election, I might entertain one.
“I just might change my mind one day. I doubt it, but I might. Because how much would it take to beat ya’ll. And Trump can’t run again. He’s done,” Smith added.
The poll from McLaughlin & Associates surveyed voters’ attitudes about several possible Democrat candidates. While Smith was clearly impressed with his 2 percent, he’s still looking up at not only Walz but former Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg, who polled at 9 percent, and former Vice President Kamala Harris, who led the way with 33 percent.
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