Chris Matthews - Page 4

Matthews: ‘To Some People’ Obama Is ‘Still the President’

While discussing former President Obama’s plans to hit the campaign trail for Democrats during the 2018 election cycle on Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews stated that to some people, Obama is “still the president.” Matthews said, “Let me ask


Chris Matthews: Trump Voters Embrace Archie Bunker Stereotype

Monday on MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews said the combination of the Hollywood’s sensitivity to LGBT issues and the Archie Bunker parody of conservative views has caused President Donald Trump’s supporters to embrace the Bunker character. Matthews said, “Hollywood, the


Matthews: Some of Sessions’ Answers Remind Me of Alger Hiss

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” anchor Chris Matthews drew a comparison between answers given by Attorney General Jeff Sessions and Soviet spy Alger Hiss. Matthews said, “[T]hese are strange meetings. The attorney general of the United States can’t remember


Matthews: ‘A Little Whiff of Fascism’ In Comey Firing

On Tuesday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Hardball,” host Chris Matthews reacted to FBI Director James Comey’s firing by President Trump by saying that there’s “A little whiff of fascism tonight, I think is fair to say.” During a panel discussion of
