Department of Education - Page 4

Hannity to Texas Governor: ‘Good Job in Texas, I’ll Tell You That!’

Texas Governor Greg Abbott was interviewed by Sean Hannity and the nationally syndicated radio talk show host told Abbott – “Good job in Texas, I’ll tell you that!” Hannity commended Abbott for his tough stance on sanctuary cities, his lawsuit against the Obama administration’s amnesty program, and putting a halt to Obama’s amnesty during his tenure as President. The talk show host also asked the Texas Governor who he was supporting as President.

Hannity - Abbott - Fox News Screenshot

Confused Democrats Post Facebook Images with GOP Talking Points

Now that Senators Ted Cruz (R-TX), Rand Paul (R-KY), and Marco Rubio (R-FL) have officially launched their presidential campaigns, the Democratic Party is gearing up its propaganda machine to attack the Republican contenders. But a series of Facebook images they posted this week has many scratching their heads, wondering why the Democrats would use what seem to be Republican talking points in their messages.

Democratic Party Facebook post about Ted Cruz

NCLB Renewal: More Federal or Local Control Over Education?

Grassroots organizers and conservative groups posted an action alert on a bill that will likely be voted on this week in the House that would reauthorize the federal No Child Left Behind (NCLB) law. The activists say HR5, known as the “Student Success Act,” will “denigrate parental rights and seize state sovereignty.”

David Jones/PA Wire URN:21969286/AP

Lib Dem attempts to smear Gove backfire horribly

Deputy Prime Minister Nick Clegg has authorised the release of a secret dossier detailing all the policies that sinister, evil former Education Secretary Michael Gove would have introduced if only they hadn’t been sabotaged by his heroic and principled Lib

Clegg Gove Reuters