House - Page 3

GOP Fainting Class Panics About House Majority

Hillary Clinton clinched the Democrat nomination last week and experienced a predictable jump in her poll numbers. Her gain was similar to the bump Donald Trump experienced in May, after he effectively won the Republican nomination.


GOP-Led Senate Seeks to Trim Troop’s Housing Allowance

A proposal tucked deep inside the Senate’s draft of the 2017 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA), currently being debated on Capitol Hill, seeks to radically reform the U.S. troops’ Basic Allowance for Housing (BAH), arguing that “the benefit now far exceeds the actual cost.”

U.S. troops salute during the opening ceremony of the 2015 Balikatan exercises between the

Commuters Beware: ‘Obamajams’ Return to L.A.

Los Angeles commuters should expect full-blown traffic jams — or “Obamajams” — once again, with President Barack Obama’s arrival in the area between Thursday evening and Friday morning, where he will be raising money for House and Senate candidates.

The Associated Press