John Wayne Airport

Exclusive Wayne Allyn Root: Trump is ‘Relentless’

The mainstream media doesn’t get it. Intellectuals don’t get it. Campaign consultants don’t get it. John McCain doesn’t get it. Maybe even Fox News anchors don’t get it. How the heck is Donald Trump still in the GOP presidential race, let alone winning? How can he offend so many people, yet still sit at the top of the polls? The opinion makers and TV experts just don’t understand his appeal.

The Associated Press

John Wayne Airport to Open to Uber, Lyft

If you are coming in for a landing at John Wayne Airport in Orange County, California, it’s time to pull out your smartphone and use an app to get matched with a driver to pick you up curbside.

Owen Humphreys/PA Wire URN:15449317 (Press Association via AP Images)

OC’s John Wayne Airport Poised To Be One Of America’s Most Uber-Friendly

The all-Republican Board of Supervisors of Orange County in California is poised next Tuesday to adopt one of the nation’s most aggressive and enlightened policies to open the doors for all passengers flying in and out of John Wayne International Airport to be able to arrive and leave the airport easily via ride-sharing companies such as Uber, Lyft and Sidekick.

Uber (Reuters)