L.A. Times - Page 4

'Red Dawn' Take Two: From Wolverines to Wimps

So you remember “Red Dawn,” it was that 80’s flick about American kids arming themselves against a Soviet invasion. I’ve seen it thirteen times, mainly because I’m a huge fan of C. Thomas Howell. And I’m lonely. But that’s another

The L.A. Times Announces the Triumph of Conservative Hollywood!

Patrick Goldstein, the Minister of Hollywood Disinformation at the L.A. Times, is obsessed with convincing you that leftist dominance of Hollywood is a whiny conservative myth. Big Hollywood‘s indefatigable John Nolte, among others, has taken down Goldstein in numerous columns

National Organization of W…

Jerry Brown’s campaign conspired to commit political rape, calling Meg Whitman, his female political opponent, a “whore.” And he got N.O.W.’s political endorsement for doing so. The liberal beauty mask is so off the wrinkled, geriatric, age-spotted National Organization of

American Rancher X, Part 2

View of spot, halfway up hill, where we interviewed American Rancher X Previously: American Rancher X, Part 1 “I don’t need you here, stirring up trouble, especially by shooting. The cartels shot at two people on my land last year.

Stallone: 'America Apologizes Too Much'

Recently, FOX NEWS’ Bill O’Reilly interviewed Sylvester Stallone about his immensely popular movie, “The Expendables.” As I watched the interaction between O’Reilly and Stallone, it was readily apparent that Stallone was cut from a different cloth than many inside Hollywood:

Breaking: Roman Polanski Faces Another Rape Allegation

How many women have to claim they were raped and/or sodomized by fugitive director Roman Polanski before Hollywood starts to treat him with a tenth of the disdain they have for Mel Gibson? How many, Harvey? Woody? Marty? Ms. Rape-Rape?

'Captain America' Director: 'This is not about America…'

What a shocker. Captain America: The First Avenger will be Captain America in name only. According to this morning’s L.A. Times, director Joe Johnston is currently running around Comic-Con to reassure those wringing their hands with worry over the horrible

'L.A. Times' Can't Grasp Why 'Grown Ups' Is a Hit

So an Adam Sandler family comedy is released … during summer … with co-stars Kevin James, Rob Schneider, David Spade, and Chris Rock … and the L.A. Times is sincerely confused over why it’s such a huge hit. Here’s their

NEW TRAILER: Ready For More 'Paranormal Activity'?

The first “Paranormal Activity” was one of my most pleasant and unexpected cinematic finds of last year. Even in the comfort of my living room, the story of a young suburban couple haunted by some kind of demonic poltergeist kept

Eric Boehlert: No, Seriously! Kick Me!

Recently, Matt Welch and I utterly destroyed Eric Boehlert’s ridiculous claim that nobody at the L.A. Times was ever allowed to casually denigrate President Bush: And I don’t even have to do a Google search to know for a fact