New Hampshire primary - Page 4

GOP Candidates Debate: Who Is too Pro-Life?

Several of the Republican candidates for president battled the question of abortion on the debate stage in New Hampshire, and, in particular, the issue of the “exceptions,” i.e. rape, incest, and the life of the mother.


Carly Fiorina Fights for 2nd in Latest New Hampshire Poll: Trump Ahead

Five Republican candidates for President (Sen. Marco Rubio, Sen. Ted Cruz, Jeb Bush, John Kasich, and Carly Fiorina) find themselves within the margin of error for second place in the latest WBUR New Hampshire GOP Primary poll, which shows Donald Trump leading the pack with 29 percent of those surveyed supporting the business mogul.

Carly Fiorina

Bobby Jindal Advocates for School Choice in New Hampshire

Gov. Bobby Jindal (R-LA) addressed the New Hampshire Republican Leadership Summit on Saturday. Currently considering joining the 2016 presidential race, Jindal shared what the American Dream has meant for his family, especially how education created opportunities.

AP Photo/Jim Cole

Rubio in NH: 2016 Will be a Referendum on Our Identity as a Nation

America is “engaged in a global competition” for investment and talent, Marco Rubio says, and is being held back by regulations that are crushing innovation, an excessive corporate tax rate, businesses that are not growing because of Obamacare, and energy policies that are blocking us from using our natural resources.

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