Refugee Sentenced after Molesting Teen at Gunpoint
A Somali refugee in the U.S. was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being convicted of molesting a teenage girl at gunpoint.

A Somali refugee in the U.S. was sentenced to 20 years in prison after being convicted of molesting a teenage girl at gunpoint.
“According to sources, Abdul Razak Ali Artan was a lawful permanent resident who originally came to the United States from Mogadishu, Somalia after spending time in a Pakastani refugee camp with his mother, Fatima Abdullahi, and six sibling,” Sen. Charles Grassley wrote on behalf of the Senate Judiciary Committee, which he chairs.
A 22-year old Somali man who arrived in the United States in September faces charges of criminal sexual conduct, a felony punishable by up to 30 years in prison.
Reason Magazine is reporting that Abdul Razak Ali Artan, the Somali refugee who attacked eleven people on the campus of Ohio State on Monday before being was shot and killed by a campus police officer, “was enrolled in a class called ‘Crossing Identity Boundaries.’ “
President-elect Donald Trump set the news agenda again Wednesday morning on Twitter, speaking out about the Ohio State University attacker, Abdul Razak Ali Artan.
The Lantern, Ohio State University’s official student newspaper, profiled Abdul Razak Ali Artan in August.
Dahir Adan, the Somali refugee “who stabbed 10 people at a Minnesota mall had become interested in Islam in the last several months, withdrew from his friends and encouraged female relatives to be more religious, the FBI said Thursday,” the Associated Press reports.
A migrant who fled the Somali Civil War 20 years ago is considering moving back to his homeland as he says Sweden has become a “war zone”.
Valley News Live in Fargo, North Dakota is reporting that Dahir Adan’s brother is currently jailed in Cass County, North Dakota on drug charges and that Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) has issued a detainer against him. The brother of