Israel Air Force: Downing of F-16 Due to ‘Pilot Error’
TEL AVIV – The downing of an Israeli F-16 by Syrian air defenses two weeks ago was due to pilot error, an investigation carried out by the Israel Air Force published Sunday found.

TEL AVIV – The downing of an Israeli F-16 by Syrian air defenses two weeks ago was due to pilot error, an investigation carried out by the Israel Air Force published Sunday found.
TEL AVIV – The nuclear deal gives Iran “a highway to a nuclear arsenal” and has only served to bolster the Islamic Republic’s aggression across the region, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu said Wednesday to U.S. Jewish leaders in Israel.
TEL AVIV – There are 10 Iranian military bases in Syria, two of which are close to the border with Israel, that are training militias from the Assad regime for a future war with Israel, an analyst for an American think tank said in an article published Monday.
TEL AVIV – Wielding a fragment of an Iranian drone downed in Israel last week, Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu on Sunday warned Tehran not to “test Israel’s resolve.”
TEL AVIV – Israel fears there may be a chemical spillover into its territory from neighboring Syria, a classified cable from the Foreign Ministry says, adding that there would be a harsh response if such a scenario were to occur.
TEL AVIV – Syrians who are being persecuted by the Assad regime have expressed support for Saturday’s airstrikes by Israel in the embattled country, social media posts in the days since have shown.
TEL AVIV — Jordan and Israel have increased cooperation in recent days regarding the ceasefire in southern Syria to ensure against Iran filling the security vacuum in swaths of Syrian territory, an Arab intelligence official told Breitbart Jerusalem.
The IDF announced on Friday evening that it had attacked the sources of three mortars fired into the northern Golan Heights earlier that day. Friday afternoon, a mortar shell exploded in an open area in the northern Golan Heights. No alarm sounded at that time.
TEL AVIV – Arab detractors of Iran have taken to social media to celebrate President Donald Trump’s “correction” of his predecessor’s Middle East policy by carrying out U.S. airstrikes Thursday night targeting a Syrian regime airbase allegedly utilized to launch a deadly chemical weapons attack
Israel’s medical services have treated more than 2,600 Syrians wounded during their country’s conflict since 2013, despite the two nations being officially at war, the Israeli army said Tuesday.
Hamas issued an unprecedented condemnation of the “massacre” that was perpetrated in Aleppo, as the Syrian regime emerged victorious from a months-long battle against rebel forces.
Islamic State (ISIS/ISIL) jihadists repelled a Russian-backed Syrian regime offensive in the northern province of Raqqa, killing at least 40 troops loyal to dictator Bashar al-Assad, reports a monitoring group.
TEL AVIV – A former Syrian brigadier general who defected from the Syrian regime wrote a letter to the Speaker of the Knesset Yuli Edelstein saying that Israel should open a dialogue with the Syrian people and support the opposition in its fight against the regime, Ynet news reported.
International inspectors failed to stop Syria from stockpiling chemical weapons, in spite of an international agreement in 2013, according to a new report by the Wall Street Journal on Friday. International inspectors were skeptical of Syria’s claims to have disposed of its stockpiles, but were afraid that reporting violations would destroy the overall deal: “Members of the inspection team didn’t push for answers, worried that it would compromise their primary objective of getting the regime to surrender the 1,300 tons of chemicals it admitted to having.”