Money For Nothing: Universal Basic Income to Be Trialed in England
A trial of universal basic income will be trialled for the first time in England where 30 people will be given a strings-free monthly stipend.

A trial of universal basic income will be trialled for the first time in England where 30 people will be given a strings-free monthly stipend.
A new guaranteed income program for transgender residents of San Francisco includes 97 gender options on its application, plus 19 sexual orientations — including several anti-gay slurs — and 18 options for pronouns.
German researchers will give 120 people €1,200 a month for three years to see how their behaviour changes, after a study in Finland found that a similar experiment did not encourage unemployed Finns to find work.
Support for Universal Basic Income (UBI), businessman Andrew Yang’s signature policy position, is growing among American voters, a new poll reveals.
Brexit Party leader Nigel Farage has called for “helicopter money” payments of £1,000 into the bank accounts of every adult in the country for the next three months during the coronavirus crisis, fearing that the 11 million people who do not have a fixed income will suffer otherwise.
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) has drafted an amendment to a Republican plan that will ensure millions of very low-income Americans are eligible for $1,200 or more in federal payments in the midst of the coronavirus crisis.
Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) is floating a plan to “get cash into the hands of affected workers and their families” due to national shutdowns of businesses in nearly every industry from the coronavirus outbreak.
An experiment where unemployed Finns were given a basic income failed to encourage them to find work, researchers have found.