On CBS, Katie Couric Leads Bloomberg To Connect the 'Homegrown' Dots

On May 3, CBS Evening News anchor Katie Couric had a brief interview with Mayor Mike Bloomberg in the “situation room.” In that interview, CBS so sliced up the cuts that it is impossible to tell whether or not Couric was leading Mayor Bloomberg in her responses or whether she was responding to a previous conversation that was omitted from the aired portion of the interview:

COURIC VOICE OVER: Law enforcement officials don’t know who left the Nissan Pathfinder behind, but at this point the Mayor believes the suspect acted alone.

BLOOMBERG: If I had to guess, twenty five cents, this would be exactly that-

COURIC: A homegrown…

BLOOMBERG: Homegrown, maybe a mentally deranged person or someone with a political agenda that doesn’t like the health care bill or something. It could be anything.


By the voiceover we are to presume that “that” person Mayor Bloomberg is talking about is someone who acted alone. Couric, however, immediately fires the ‘homegrown’ narrative into the ring. Any normal thinking person would not assume that just because a person is “working alone” that they are a “homegrown” citizen of the United States. A terrorist from another country could be “working alone” as well.

Without seeing the full video we’ll never know if Couric was projecting her presumptions onto Bloomberg and he eagerly went along with her train of thought, or if Ms. Couric was merely referencing a previously discussed presumption made by the Mayor.

What we do know is that the left-driven media is absolutely desperate for right-incited violence. They have been trying to thinly connect the dots of domestic terrorism to “hate speech” against the recently passed and thoroughly unconstitutional health care reform bill in hopes of inciting the crazies and intimidating the peaceful. Not to mention that the leftist establishment has needlessly called out SWAT teams on Tea Party protests in order to give the appearance that the Tea Party movement is somehow “violent.”

Whether it was Couric who instigated the train of thought or Bloomberg who had previously mentioned a ‘homegrown’ as the most-likely option for a suspect, it is clear that (unlike in the Ft. Hood shootings, where we were repeatedly told not to “jump to conclusions“) Mayor Bloomberg was in full agreement with Couric: first look to the most peaceful assembled group of protesters in the history of the world rather than looking at the religion that views terrorism as an honor against the “infidels.” That’s not merely jumping to conclusions, it’s blatant wishful thinking aired in prime time in CBS Evening News.

How are CBS’ ratings doing again?


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