LA Times Uses "Black Cloud" Metaphor to Describe Cain Straw Poll Win

Several weeks ago MSNBC’s Ed Schultz worked up a fit of outrage over a Rick Perry quote that he edited. This same outrage was repeated on Al Sharpton’s show and by a few progressives. The outrage over the edited remark was greater than outrage that it was edited — and by “greater than” I mean nonexistent. Progressives so badly wanted to insert a racist wrench into Perry’s presidential plans that they concocted an example when one wasn’t found. On Saturday the LA Times did to Herman Cain what Schultz claimed Perry did to Obama.

Their original lede (my emphasis):

Reporting from Tampa, Fla. — A black threatening cloud hung low over the Orange County Convention Center on Saturday evening as top members of Gov. Rick Perry‘s brain trust left a place their candidate would love to forget.

Perry had just capped a shaky showing in a debate there Thursday evening with a stinging straw vote defeat at the hands of the Hermanator, longshot Herman Cain, who outpolled the GOP presidential front-runner by better than two-to-one.

The sentence was changed later on Saturday afternoon, but Google doesn’t forget:

Neither do the commenters, who remembered the hay made from the Schultz drama.

Here is a story that Schultz could report on honestly and without correction. I’m curious as to whether any of the progressives who bit on the doctored clip will pick up on this by the LA Times. It’s an excellent opportunity to reuse that week’s racial outrage, yes? Very green. It’s all the rage right now.


MSNBC Selectively Edits Perry Remark to Smear Him as a Racist *UPDATE Here Comes Joan Walsh to Defend *UPDATE: More Schultz Editing *GASP: Obama Used Phrase, Too? *UPDATE: Schultz Apologizes

Ed Schultz Admits ‘Error’; Sharpton’s Turn


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