Book Reveals Extent of Obama Admin-SEIU Relationship

Book Reveals Extent of Obama Admin-SEIU Relationship

In October 2010, approximately one month before the 2010 Mid-Term Elections, I wrote the blog Who Is Running the Country?. At that time, my first book, The Devil at My Doorstep, was approximately one year old and starting to gain national attention. Much of its success is owed to Andrew Breitbart. He is responsible for the book’s explosion on to the national scene,as Breitbart believed enough in me and my story to begin posting myblogs on his website. The first blog I posted, Unholy Allianceexploredhow tactics utilized against EMS were the same intimidation tactics theSEIU utilized against Andrew, and whether the SEIU’s questionablerelationship with the current Administration advanced Communism at the Highest Levels.

Ironically, almost two years later, it appears history is repeating itself. My second book, The Devil at Our Doorstep, explores how the SEIU’s Insidious Tentacles have infiltrated not just the Obama Administration, but the Democratic Party itself! The details chronicled in The Devil at Our Doorstep are supported by astunning article, DNC Literally in Hock to SEIU! This amazing story, which should be the blazing national headline of the day, supports why every American should read The Devil at Our Doorstep before the November 6, 2012 Elections. Americans need to understand that the SEIU’s Persuasion of Power is on track to complete The Taking of American Freedoms!Curiously, past SEIU President Andy Stern has been basically unheardfrom after being very active and visible during the Obamaadministration’s first couple years. It poses the observation of whetherThe story, which broke yesterday, explores how the DNC owes the SEIUroughly $8 Million dollars and is transferring its banking relationshipfrom Bank of America, who has repeatedly been attacked by the SEIU, toAmalgamated Bank owned by the SEIU! We cannot trust the future of ourgreat nation in the hands of an Administration who is indebted toarguably the most radical union in the world and has Andy Stern lurkingin the shadows!  Be Afraid America. Be Very Afraid and read the rest of this original post and the linked articles below, and of course, The Devil at Our Doorstep! It is time understand who is really running the country and to take back America on November 6, 2012!

In the October 6, 2010 blog, I wrote:

Itis truly amazing that an organization like the SEIU continues to remainbelow the radar of the mainstream media and the American conscience!Despite the fact the SEIU is embattled on many fronts and clearly doesnot represent mainstream America, it seems to continue to holdconsiderable sway within the Obama administration. The followingcollection of articles and videos are the most recent stories of allegedSEIU corruption, or, as Mr. Stern would like to say, SEIU “Persuasionof Power.”

Big Labor and Terrorism: Is There a Connection?

FBI Questioning Ex-SEIU President Andy Stern

Former LA Labor Leader Investigated

Onewould think that President Obama would counsel such a radical group totone down the rhetoric, especially with the upcoming elections. However,it appears he is comfortable being associated with a group that isbeing investigated for its terrorist ties, internal financialcorruption, questionable political cash contributions, interference withthe Arizona Immigration law and intimidation of its own employees inthe union elections at Kaiser Permanente. Some would assume PresidentObama would be distancing himself as much as possible from this, but hedoes not need to as long as the media refuses to connect the dots andpresent the entire picture to the American people! Consider for just amoment how a business would be excoriated if it were involved in suchactivities! Maybe it’s because the President has instructed the media toignore these outrages, or maybe it’s because the President has receivedhis personal persuasion of power from the SEIU! Are these the people wewant running our country? Please pass this on as the American publicneeds to realize what is happening before November 2nd! It’s obvious themainstream media won’t print it!

Just two years later, we are onthe precipice of the most important election in the history of thecountry. This election may determine if we will maintain our freedomsand free market society, or become a socialist regime and suffer The Taking of American Freedoms.It is time to stand up and complete the job started with the 2010Midterm Elections, when Americans overwhelmingly voted “NO” to thefuture vision Obama and the SEIU have for this great country!  America, We are at War! Armageddon is at Hand! Please Wake up and vote “NO” to Obama and his SEIU handlers on November 6, 2012!


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