Denial: Washington Post's 'Hating Breitbart' Review Says Mainstream Press Not Liberal

Denial: Washington Post's 'Hating Breitbart' Review Says Mainstream Press Not Liberal

The Washington Post gave “Hating Breitbart” one and a half stars.

Surprised? You shouldn’t be. Conservative films routinely get trashed by movie critics, who may be even more Left leaning than traditional journalists. No small measure.

The review itself is critical of the film without the kind of ugly details that would warrant such a puny star rating. But the article’s biggest howler deals with liberal media bias. To critic Mark Jenkins, it just doesn’t exist.

But mainstream American journalism, with its devotion to official sources and conventional wisdom, is no more popular on the left than on the right. And Breitbart’s Web sites specialized in showing people behaving stupidly, which is (or should be) a relatively small part of what professional journalists do.

So says the paper which turned “Macaca” into a weaponized gaffe that all but killed George Allen’s senatorial hopes back in 2006. Or what about the outlet’s absurd “N” word story that helped derail Gov. Rick Perry’s presidential aspirations.

The Washington Post’s list of biased reportage would fill dozens of articles.

And let’s not forget how the media just this week turned Mitt Romney’s “Binders” non-gaffe into a multiple day story designed to ding his growing clout among women voters. All the while, those “mainstream American journalists” are in the process of ignoring a sitting president calling the death of four countrymen “not optimal.”

Yup. No bias here. Move along, dwindling readership.

“Hating Breitbart,” a film which decimates modern journalism with facts and Andrew’s pugnacious spirit, is now playing in select theaters.


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