Legal Immigration: Where Trump and Cruz Radically Disagree


At Bloomberg, Sahil Kapur explains that Sen. Ted Cruz disagrees with Donald Trump about legal immigration:

Though Cruz’s get-tough attitude on illegal immigration certainly matches Trump’s, the two men differ vastly on policies involving legal immigration. While the real estate mogul’s plan calls for a swath of protectionist measures to curb legal immigration, Cruz has championed anexpansion of legal immigration, arguing it would help the economy.

During the 2013 immigration debate, the Texas senator proposed an amendment to the comprehensive “gang of eight” Senate bill that he boasted would “dramatically increas[e]” the annual limit on H-1B skilled guest worker visas from—65,000 to 325,000—a five-fold expansion. At the time Cruz cited a study by the American Enterprise Institute, a conservative think tank, which found that immigrants with advanced degrees “boost employment for US natives.”

“I strongly support legal immigration. Legal immigration is a fundamental pillar of our nation’s heritage, and I was pleased today to offer legislation that would have improved and expanded legal immigration by dramatically increasing the cap for high-tech temporary worker visas,” Cruz said on May 14, 2013. “This amendment would not only improve the current system, but would also encourage economic growth and create new jobs in America.”

When the Judiciary Committee voted down his amendment in favor of a 180,000 limit for H-1B visas, Cruz said he was “disappointed.”

Read the entire piece.


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